Breadcrumb Navgation

Cancellation Policy

End-users have the right to with­draw from their con­tract with­in 14 days with­out giv­ing any rea­son.

The with­draw­al pe­ri­od will ex­pire af­ter 14 days from the day on which you ac­quire, or a third par­ty oth­er than the car­ri­er and in­di­cat­ed by you ac­quires, phys­i­cal pos­ses­sion of the goods.

To ex­er­cise the right of with­draw­al, you must in­form us (Ernst Kraemer & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG, Feld­burg­weg 107, 47918 Tönisvorst, Germany, fax: +4921511501311, email: of your de­ci­sion to with­draw from your con­tract by an un­equiv­o­cal state­ment (e.g. a let­ter sent by post, fax or e-mail). You may use our stan­dard with­draw­al form , but it is not obli­ga­to­ry.

To meet the with­draw­al dead­line, it is suf­fi­cient for you to send your com­mu­ni­ca­tion con­cern­ing your ex­er­cise of the right of with­draw­al be­fore the with­draw­al pe­ri­od has ex­pired.

Consequences of the cancellation

If you with­draw from your con­tract, we shall re­im­burse to you all pay­ments re­ceived from you, in­clud­ing the costs of de­liv­ery (with the ex­cep­tion of the sup­ple­men­tary costs re­sult­ing from your choice of a type of de­liv­ery oth­er than the least ex­pen­sive type of stan­dard de­liv­ery of­fered by us), with­out un­due de­lay and in any event not lat­er than 14 days from the day on which we are in­formed about your de­ci­sion to with­draw from your con­tract. We will car­ry out such re­im­burse­ment us­ing the same means of pay­ment as you used for the ini­tial trans­ac­tion, unless you have ex­press­ly agreed oth­er­wise; in any event, you will not in­cur any fees as a re­sult of such re­im­burse­ment. We may with­hold re­im­burse­ment un­til we have re­ceived the goods back or you have sup­plied ev­i­dence of hav­ing sent back the goods, whichev­er is the ear­li­est.

You shall send back the goods or hand them over to us, with­out un­due de­lay and in any event not lat­er than 14 days from the day on which you com­mu­ni­cate your with­draw­al from your con­tract to us. The dead­line is met if you send back the goods be­fore the pe­ri­od of 14 days has ex­pired. You will have to bear the di­rect cost of re­turn­ing the goods. You are only li­able for any di­min­ished val­ue of the goods re­sult­ing from the han­dling oth­er than what is nec­es­sary to es­tab­lish the na­ture, char­ac­ter­is­tics and func­tion­ing of the goods.

Cancellation Form

Reading that document re­quires to have a PDF view­er like the Adobe Rea­der or al­ter­na­tive­ly the Foxit Rea­der in­stalled.

download Cancellation Form   (102 KB)